
Audio: Health Affairs Editor-in-Chief discusses Scheffler and Arnold’s paper

Health Affairs editor-in-chief Alan Weil recorded an audio introduction to the September issue of Health Affairs, including a discussion of the special market concentration section and a discussion of Dr. Scheffler and Dr. Arnold’s paper “Insurer Market Power Lowers Prices In Numerous Concentrated Provider Markets.”

You can listen to the full audio here.

Dr. Fulton Discusses Healthcare Market Concentration Trends: Healthcare Dive Interview

The Petris Center’s associate director, Dr. Brent Fulton, was interviewed by Healthcare Dive about US market concentration trends and his new study in Health Affairs. Among other topics, the Healthcare Dive interview delves into physicians market concentration trends, as primary care physician concentration increased the most, in part due to such providers being acquired by larger care delivery systems. “My results are consistent with the fact that more physicians are joining larger physician organizations and that more physicians work either directly for hospitals or in organizations that are owned by hospitals,” said Dr. Fulton, “We knew hospitals had been buying up physician organizations but we didn’t know the extent. The increase of hospital ownership of primary care organizations was interesting, because we hadn’t realized the magnitude had increased so much.”

You can read the full interview on Healthcare Dive’s website here.

KCBS Interview with Dr. Scheffler on GOP’s Proposed Health Plan

Dr. Scheffler was interviewed on March 7th on San Francisco’s KCBS radio station, discussing the newly unveiled Republican health care plan, part of the GOP’s efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.  In the interview, Dr. Scheffler discusses the implications of changing health care subsidies from being based on income to being based on age, the philosophical battle surrounding health care reform, and how likely the GOP plan is to pass through Congress.

You can listen to the full KCBS interview by clicking on the following links: part 1, part 2, part 3.


Petris Center’s Dan Arnold on Covered CA Consumer Choice – California Healthline

The Petris Center’s Dan Arnold was recently interviewed by California Healthline on the recent Health Affairs study, co-authored by Arnold, along with the Petris Center’s Dr. Scheffler, Dr. Fulton, and Jon Gabel from NORC, which analyzed consumer choice and premium increases in the California ACA marketplace.

“Consumers have to do their own research on these plans,” said Daniel Arnold, a University of California, Berkeley researcher and co-author of the study. “We hear [about] an increase of 13 percent, but when consumers switch plans, they might see an increase no larger than 5 percent.”

The full article, including Arnold’s comments, can be read here.

Dr. Scheffler Interviewed on the Reasoning Behind Prop. 61’s Rejection

capradiologo_mark_rgbDr. Sheffler was on Capitol Public Radio’s “Insight with Beth Ruyak” program this week to discuss Proposition 61’s rejection by Californians in the November 2016 election and the path forward for reigning in prescription drug prices. He was joined in conversation by Roger Salazar, the spokesman of the Yes on 61 campaign.


The full audio of the interview can be found here.

Looking Behind and Ahead to a 200 Year Future: An Interview with Richard Scheffler, Founder of the Ph.D. program in Health Policy

schefflerPetris Center Director Dr. Richard Scheffler was recently interviewed by Hector Rodriguez, Current Chair of the Ph.D. program in Health Policy. In the interview, Dr. Scheffler discusses his decision to found the the Health Services and Policy Analysis PhD program at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health in 1988 and serve as the founding chair of the program for its first decade, developments in the field of health policy, and the future of the program.

For the full interview, visit the Berkeley Health Policy website here.