Oakland Tribune: Letter to the Editor


Oakland Tribune, April 28

Consider noise when reviewing restaurants.

“Recently, this newspaper published an article about Oliveto in Oakland, which had undergone an extensive — and expensive — renovation to lower the noise level. Passionfish in Pacific Grove was mentioned in another article; it was described as a serene dining room with music playing softly in the background where you could actually carry on a conversation.

My husband and I love to eat out, trying different restaurants. Despite sometimes loving the food, we don’t return if the noise is so loud we cannot hear each other speaking unless we shout. We are not alone in our opinion, having asked many friends who agree with us.

Perhaps the paper can do an article on this? Then perhaps the managers of those restaurants could make some changes[…]

Professors Richard Scheffler and Stephen Hinshaw of UC Berkeley reveal that educational policies are most directly correlated with the dramatic rise in ADHD diagnoses. When states began passing educational accountability policies in schools in the 1990s, such as No Child Left Behind, schools were incentivized to boost test scores and achievements. It comes as no surprise that through the late 1990s those same states saw huge rises in ADHD diagnoses.”

Read more here.