Richard M. Scheffler, PhD


Richard M. Scheffler is Distinguished Professor of Health Economics and Public Policy at the School of Public Health and the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley. He also holds the Chair in Healthcare Markets and Consumer Welfare endowed by the Office of the Attorney General for the State of California. Dr. Scheffler is director of the Global Center for Health Economics and Policy Research. He has been a visiting professor at the London School of Economics, Charles University in Prague, at the Department of Economics at the University of Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and at Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. Dr. Scheffler has been a visiting scholar at the World Bank, the Rockefeller Foundation in Bellagio, and the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences. He has been a consultant for the World Bank, the WHO, and the OECD. Professor Scheffler has been a Fulbright Scholar at Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile in Santiago, Chile, and at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. He was also awarded the Chair of Excellence Award at the Carlos III University of Madrid in 2013. In 2015 Dr. Scheffler was awarded the Gold Medal for Charles University in Prague for his longstanding and continued support of international scientific and educational collaboration.

Nicholas C. Petris Center on Health Care Markets and Consumer Welfare:

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Awards in Health Policy Research:

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Selected Publications

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Scheffler, R.M., T.T. Brown, B.D. Fulton, S.P. Hinshaw, S. Stone, and P. Levine. “Positive association between initial ADHD medication use and academic achievement during elementary school.” Pediatrics 123 (May 2009): 1273-1279.

Fulton B.D., R.M. Scheffler, S.P. Hinshaw, P. Levine, S. Stone, T.T. Brown, and S. Modrek. “ADHD Diagnostic Prevalence and Medication Use Variation across U.S. States: An Examination of Health Care Providers and Education Policies.” Psychiatric Services 60 (August 2009): 1075-1083.

Lang, H.C., R.M. Scheffler, and T.W. Hu. “The Discrepancy in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medications Diffusion: 1994–2003—A Global Pharmaceutical Data Analysis.” Health Policy 97:1 (September 2010): 71-78.

Bokhari, F., Mayes, R., Scheffler, RM. “An Analysis of the Significant Variation in Psychostimulant Use across the U.S.” Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety early view published online, DOI: 10.1002/pds.980 (June 2004).

Scheffler, R.M., S.P. Hinshaw, S. Modrek, and P. Levine. “The Global Market for ADHD Medications.” Health Affairs 26:2 (Mar 2007): 450-457.

Hinshaw, S.P., R.M. Scheffler, B.D. Fulton, et al. International Variation in Treatment Procedures for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Social Context and Recent Trends. Psychiatric Services (May 2011).

Scheffler, R.M. Is There a Doctor in the House? Market Signals and Tomorrow’s Supply of Doctors. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2008.