PRESS RELEASE: School policy may fuel dramatic increase in ADHD diagnoses


Susan Lamontagne, 631.899.3825 or
Audrey Pernik, 240.221.4242 or 

School policy may fuel dramatic increase in ADHD diagnoses among children in U.S.

Differences in state-by-state education policy could be driving a growing number of ADHD cases among school children in the U.S., according to new research funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

In a new book, The ADHD Explosion, Stephen Hinshaw, PhD, and Richard Scheffler, PhD, recipients of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Awards in Health Policy Research, examine the overall marked increase in ADHD diagnosis over the past decade, along with significant regional differences in the number of ADHD cases diagnosed. They find that education policy could be a major factor fueling the trend.

Click here to read the full Robert Wood Johnson Foundation press release.