The Tim Danahey Show with Stephen Hinshaw


tim danahey

Do government educational policies and Big Pharma explain the huge increase in ADHD diagnoses in the United States? It’s part of the reason but there’s much more. Is ADHD simply an affluent, white impairment to explain bad parenting or reining in active boys? Not even close. Stephen Hinshaw and Richard Scheffler have written a wonderful book that explains ADHD, the treatment, the worldwide growth of the disorder, and what we need to do to manage it. The book provokes conversations into the impact of ADHD on the economy, health care, the education system, the media, our society, and the psychological needs of those who suffer from it. Since 5% of all Americans have ADHD and the number is growing, you’ll want to listen. Since 5% to 30% of non-ADHD higher education students use ADHD medication as performance enhancers, you’ll want to hear its destructive potential.

To enjoy the interview, listen here.