Book links school testing, ADHD

A new book, “The ADHD Explosion: Myths, Medication, Money and Today’s Push for Performance,” suggests that the increased use of ADHD drugs correlates with a rise in standardized testing. One possible explanation is that, as schools come under pressure to raise their test scores, administrators feel motivated to suggest that parents have their children tested, and medicated, for ADHD.

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Studio Tulsa interview with Dr. Hinshaw

“[The book’s co-authors] explore the history of ADHD and its ‘mammoth cost level’ — over $100 billion a year — as well as its biology and genetics, drug and behavioral treatment, the myth that ADHD is a problem of fidgety suburban boys, and the stark school and policy differences from state to state, illustrating the need for ‘careful evaluation and diagnosis, responsive treatment, use of multi-modal interventions, and adequate monitoring of treatments.’

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The Rise of ADHD: Radio Interview

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is difficult to diagnose. And yet, one in nine children in the U.S. are now told they have the condition. We’ll find out this hour why that number continues to grow – and about the high cost to our healthcare system – with Dr. Richard Scheffler, Distinguished Professor of Health Economics and […]

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Is ADHD Overdiagnosed?

In a just-published book that is receiving widespread attention, two UC Berkeley professors link the phenomenon to the growing popularity of school-based performance measures in the 1990s and 2000s—an approach that emerged in a number of states across the country and was implemented at the federal level by President George W. Bush in his signature No Child Left Behind legislation.

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Mind Games: Surprising News About ADHD

This is a complicated question as the recent LA Times interview with Stephen Hinshaw and Richard Scheffler illustrates. Hinshaw and Scheffler have just published a book, The ADHD Explosion: Myths, Medication, Money and Today’s Push for Performance (Oxford University Press), in which they discuss the economic pressures, government polices, and cultural differences that are behind the increase in diagnoses of this disorder.

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Book Review by renowned social psychologist Carol Tavris

By high school nearly a fifth of U.S. boys will be tagged as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In “The ADHD Explosion,” […], Stephen P. Hinshaw, a clinical psychologist, and Richard M. Scheffler, a health economist, argue that the disorder is “all too real, producing a terrible inability to focus at just those times when attention is most needed”—in school, at work, in close relationships.

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6/1/14 @ Book Passage in Marin

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most controversial and misunderstood medical conditions today. With skyrocketing rates of diagnosis and medication treatment, it has generated a firestorm of controversy.
Come learn about this emerging challenge directly from co-author of “The ADHD Explosion”, Richard Scheffler, and receive a signed copy with purchase.

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