Exercising the Mind to Treat Attention Deficits

Which will it be — the berries or the chocolate dessert? Homework or the Xbox? Finish that memo, or roam Facebook? Such quotidian decisions test a mental ability called cognitive control, the capacity to maintain focus on an important choice while ignoring other impulses. […] Research suggests that strengthening this mental muscle, usually with exercises in so-called mindfulness, may help children and adults cope with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its adult equivalent, attention deficit disorder.

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News Center: Goldman School of Public Policy

In their new book, The ADHD Explosion: Myths, Medication, Money, and Today’s Push for Performance (Oxford University Press, March 2014), Professor Richard M. Scheffler, a health economist and Professor Stephen P. Hinshaw, a clinical psychologist combine their expertise to sleth out the answers.

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The Tim Danahey Show with Stephen Hinshaw

Do government educational policies and Big Pharma explain the huge increase in ADHD diagnoses in the United States? It’s part of the reason but there’s much more. Is ADHD simply an affluent, white impairment to explain bad parenting or reining in active boys? Not even close. Stephen Hinshaw and Richard Scheffler have written a wonderful book that explains ADHD, the treatment, the worldwide growth of the disorder, and what we need to do to manage it.

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Past Events: 6/5/2014 @Commonwealth Club, San Francisco

“The ADHD Explosion: Myths, Medication, Money, and Today’s Push for Performance” Join us at Commonwealth  at 6pm in the Gold Room to learn the impact ADHD  diagnoses  have on children today. ADHD diagnosis is soaring, but is it a real psychiatric disorder — or a social construction used to label kids or adults who don’t fit […]

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WTBQ interview on “The ADHD Explosion”

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most controversial and misunderstood medical conditions today. With skyrocketing rates of diagnosis and medication treatment, it has generated a firestorm of controversy. Alarming questions have been raised about ADHD in recent years, and authors Stephen P. Hinshaw and Richard M. Scheffler answer them in this informative and essential new book.

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15 with the author, ‘The ADHD Explosion’ with Stephen Hinshaw

One in 9 children are being diagnosed with ADHD. Teri Knight talks with co-author Stephen Hinshaw about his book “The ADHD Explosion – Myths, Medications, Money and Today’s Push for Performance”. It’s a fascinating look at all the players involved and a big question about how much influence for these diagnoses is due to Performance policies tied to Federal dollars for Education.

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What lies behind ‘The ADHD Explosion’

More than 10 percent of school-aged children in the U.S. — 6.4 million kids — have been medically diagnosed with ADHD. That’s more than a 40 percent increase from a decade ago. UC Berkeley professors Stephen Hinshaw and Richard Scheffler wonder whether diagnosis can be traced to our country’s push for academic achievement and school accountability.

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Teens: how to thrive despite ADHD

“Most of these kids get 10 minutes in the pediatrician’s office to get treated,” says national ADHD expert Stephen Hinshaw, who co-authored “The ADHD Explosion: Myths, Medication, Money, and Today’s Push for Performance” and is a psychologist in the UC San Francisco psychiatry department.

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Is it really ADHD?

A psychologist and a health economist team up to explore the nation’s skyrocketing rates of ADHD diagnoses — and how a global push for performance may be partly to blame.

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